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Five important reasons print is enjoying a renaissance

(And why this is crucial to your marketing strategy)

Coffee table reading

You can hold it

The tangible nature of print is a prominent factor here: It’s the old download vs album argument. Hold it, touch it, feel it, smell it – having something real rather than virtual will always add value, which brings us to…

It has a higher perceived (and actual) value

The hard truth is that the printed product has a significantly higher perceived value than its digital counterparts. The difference between handing over a bespoke publication or suggesting people visit your website needs no explanation.

Proven higher levels of retention

Whether it’s greater brand recognition or that readers of printed matter retain more of what they read, studies show that print exceeds digital in this regard too. Plus, magazines and brochures tend to be kept – to use one of our favourite phrases: with print, people don’t close windows, they turn pages. 

You could be losing customers

Of course, a strong digital marketing strategy is key but a single track approach may mean you are sidelining, or worse, ignoring a stream of potential customers. Traditional marketing communication tools will target an audience who engage less with the digital space. Look at the demographic of your client base and understand who they are and how best to connect with them.

It’s a question of trust

It’s also true that consumers, on the whole, are less trusting of digital advertising and what they read on the internet and the prevalence of ‘fake news’ has only served to worsen the jaundiced eye with which digital noise is viewed. By contrast, consumers are far more predisposed to have more trust in print media, particularly that which is handed over personally.

Trust, retention, value and impact: these are vital to the success of a marketing strategy. If you agree, drop us a line and we can have a chat.

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